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Jeroen's Blog
About what drives and inspires me...

5 days ago3 min read
Stress for success?
Why competing and how to deal with the stress that comes along with it? Ask a kid why they join in on a competition and most likely they...

Jan 72 min read
Durian: delicacy or disgusting?
When traveling one of the best ways to emerge yourself into the local culture and habits is by having the local food. South East Asia is...

Sep 6, 20249 min read
Is that laundry hanging between the trees?
It’s 2am during the night when my light beam illuminates a big brown table cloth. It’s hanging in between trees on a clothesline, has a...

Nov 21, 20237 min read
Flow follows focus...
20 oktober 2017 Montreal - Canada: The 2nd World Championships is about to start. The 'Weembi high rollers' from France have come to...

Oct 9, 20232 min read
The ultimate photo hack!
Photography is probably one of the most classic hobbies there is. Many articles and blogpost have already been written about the subject:...

Sep 6, 20233 min read
First round feelings...
There are moments in your life that stay with you. You have the classic moments such as your wedding day or the birth of children, but as...

Jul 5, 20238 min read
2 attempts - TDS ultra trail
Ever since I found out about the existence of the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB), I've been fascinated by that race. It must have been...

Jun 4, 20238 min read
The toughest challenge ever?
2020 was a year for sportsmen where a lot of their competitions got cancelled because of covid. This was also the case for me. When in...

Apr 26, 20236 min read
Sub 3hr Marathon?
oktober 21th 2018 A little bit hesitating do I walk towards the start zone. The colored pacer flags are gently dancing around in a sea of...
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