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Jeroen Nollet

Pro Athlete for Topsport Defensie | World Champion | Keynote speaker | Ultra-runner | 4way Coach 

Who am I ?​


From early on I had the interest in joining the army. Because of this I decided to try and participate in the entrance test and in september of 2002 I was allowed to start my army career. First finishing my last 2 years of school in the army school 2KSOO in Zedelgem, close to Bruges.


After this period I followed my feeling and chose for a infantry course. When during this course the question came up if there where candidates to go and do the training to become Para-Commando, I wanted to give give it a try.


A not to be underestimated time in Marche les Dames and Schaffen was te be brought to a successful end in order to wear the coveted red baret. After a few though months was I allowed to sew the brevet of Para and Commando on my uniform, and proudly put on the red baret as well.




Buitenlandse opdracht
Jeroen Nollet | wintertraining in Zweden tijdens een uitwisseling van 3PARA met de het Nederlandse Korps Mariniers
Jeroen Nollet | Schootstraining tijdens een zending in Libanon met 3PARA
Static-line sprong als Para-Commando tijdens de wintertraining in Zweden.
Jeroen Nollet behaalde zijn rode muts in 2005
Jeroen Nollet | trainingssprong met HayaBusa ©BrunoBrokken.jpg
springen als para-commando, een unieke ervaring

Jumping out of a plane as a Para-Commando equals jumping with a lot of equipment, a weapon, a 'static line' which automatically opens a round parachute and a not so soft landing. A exciting and thrilling experience for sure! But I was in search of something more... 


In the spring of 2006 I went to the local dropzone Moorsele, to attend a AFF freefall course. Immediately hooked to the sport of skydiving, I started with 4way formation skydiving.

The Belgian army had a team which competed in this discipline: HayaBusa


After 6 years as a section commander in 3PARA and a tour in Lebanon and Kosovo, I was offered the possibility to become a Pro Athlete for Topsport Defense. This made it possible to do my passion of skydiving professionally, so ofcourse I accepted this chance with both hands. The skydive team HayaBusa had become world champion for the first time in 2014. At first I was the alternate of the team but at the end of 2014 I could start as a full member. Together with HayaBusa was I able to win world titles in 2016 - 2018 - 2021.


Apart from my job as Pro athlete for Topsport Defense, I am also husband and father, foodie and amateur photographer, who is not afraid to attack a city marathon or even better a long and tough ultra trail in the mountains. 


Demo sprong met HayaBusa voor de Extreme sports week te Voss - Noorwegen

Skydiving Palmares

2e place Belgian Championship 2009

Gold medalist National Championship 2010

Silver Medalist National Championship 2011

Gold Medal NSL Shamrock Showdown AA Class, DeLand USA 2012
7th place World Challenge, AA class, Bedford, UK 2012

Gold Medalist European Skydiving League 2012
Gold Medalist National Championship 2012

Silver Medal World Challenge, AA class, Bedford, UK 2013

Silver Medalist Dubai Parachuting Championship 2014

Gold Medalist Indoor Windoor Competition Empuriabrava 2015
Gold Medalist World Indoor Challenge Bedford 2015
Gold Medalist National Championship 2015
Gold Medalist European Championship The Netherlands 2015

Gold Medalist WORLD CUP The Netherlands 2015
Gold Medalist 8-way National Championship 2015
Gold Medalist Military World Games, South Korea 2015

Gold Medalist World Championship Indoor, Prague, Czech Republic 2015
Gold Medalist Clash of Champions, Dubai 2015
Gold Medalist World Air Games, Dubai 2015

Gold Medalist Indoor Windoor Competition Empuriabrava 2016
Gold Medalist World Indoor Challenge Bedford 2016
Gold Medalist World Championship CISM Kubinka, Russia 2016
Gold Medalist National Championship 2016

Gold Medal World Championship Ottawa, USA, 2016
Gold Medalist World Cup Indoor, Warsaw, Poland, 2016
Gold Medalist 8-way Weembinamic, Lille, France 2016

Gold Medalist Indoor Windoor Competition Empuriabrava 2017
Gold Medalist 4-way Indoor French Nationals, Lille, France 2017
Gold Medalist 8-way Indoor French Nationals, Lille, France 2017
Gold Medalist World Indoor Challenge Bedford 2017
Gold Medalist World Championship CISM Soest, Germany 2017
Gold Medalist European Championship Germany 2017

Gold Medalist WORLD CUP Germany 2017
Silver Medalist 8-way European Championship Germany 2017
Bronze Medalist 8-way WORLD CUP Germany 2017
Gold Medalist National Championship 2017
Gold Medalist 4-way USPA US Nationa
l Championship Perris Valley 2017
Silver Medalist 8-way USPA US National Championship Perris Valley 2017

Gold Medalist World Championship Indoor, Montréal, Canada 2017
Gold Medalist Flight Fighters Indoor, Bahrain 2017

Gold Medalist Windgames Empuriabrava Spain 2018
Gold Medalist World Indoor Challenge Bedford 2018
Gold Medalist World Championship CISM Szolnok, Hungary 2018
Gold Medalist 4-way Belgian Indoor Nationals 2018

Gold Medal World Championship Gold Coast, Australia, 2018
Silver Medalist World Cup Indoor, Bahrain, 2018
Gold Medalist Indoor Belgian Nationals 4-way 2018

Gold Medalist Windgames Empuriabrava Spain 2019
Gold Medalist World Indoor Challenge Bedford 2019

Gold Medalist World Championship Indoor, Lille, France 2019
Gold Medalist 4-way USPA US National Championship Raeford 2019
Gold Military World G
ames China 2019

Gold Medalist Windgames Empuriabrava Spain 2020

Gold Medalist Cloud Mondial Online Meet (INT)

Gold Medal World Championship Tanay, Russia, 2021
Gold Military World Championship Qatar 2021

Silver Medalist Shamrock Showdown, Zephyrhills, USA, March 2022
Gold Medalist Belgian Indoor Nationals, Komen, March 2022

Bronze Medalist Indoor World Cup, Charleroi, Belgium April 2022
Silver Medalist Indoor European Championship, Charleroi, Belgium, April 2022
Gold Medalist Military World Championship, Güssing, Austria, June 2022
Gold Medalist Belgian Nation
als, September 2022
Silver Medal World Championship Eloy, United States, 2022


Bronze Medalist Indoor World Championship, Tatralandia, Slovakia April 2023

Bronze Medalist Outdoor World Cup, Voss, Norway August 2023

Gold Medalist Belgian championships indoor december 2023


Gold military World Championship Szolnok, Hungary  july 2024

Jeroen Nollet | HayaBusa in actie net na de exit
Jeroen Nollet | wereldkampioen - coach - keynote spreker

BTW: BE 0801.375.990

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