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How to think like a CHAMPION
Experience indoor skydiving!
With guidance of a multiple world champion skydiver and a performance psychologist.

Mindset and peak performance into the spotlight.
Eveline Snellinckx | performance en bedrijfspsychologe

Oktober 2018 - Australia.

On the world championship we are going into the last round with a tied score against the American team 'Arizona Airspeed'.

Winning or losing will be determent on how we perform in the next moment, both as team and individual. How to cope with stress when the stakes are really high?


Just as in sports, there are situations in business where a 'peak performance' is crucial.  Maybe you are about to give a very important presentation or sales pitch, getting ready for a big shareholders meeting or dealing with deadlines. How can we implement the lessons from the world of topsport and performance psychology into the business world?


In this unique event, me and Eveline Snellinckx (performance and business psychologist) will go into mindset, peak performance and how to cope with stress.

I speak out of my own real world experiences, lessons learned during more than a decade of competing at the highest level. Eveline will back all this up with the theory, and we make the link to the business world. We put everything straight into practice, because you will

go indoor skydiving!


Think like a champion.png

Spring je stress tegemoet!


Het volgende event vindt plaats op

18 augustus, wees snel want

de plaatsen zijn beperkt. 


Jij verdient de spotlights,

waag de sprong!


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